Displaying 1751 - 1775
Surname | Name | Dates | Link |
Mumford | Ann | 1757 - 1794 | 5767 |
Munchin | Rebecca | 1736 - 27 JAN 1789 | 5768 |
Munchin | William | - | 5769 |
Munn | Ernest Walter | 1910 - 8 SEP 1986 | 5770 |
Munns | Muriel Gertrude | 1907 - 1979 | 5771 |
Munns | Walter John | 1870 - 1950 | 5772 |
Murphy | Arthur Josiah | 1876 - | 6844 |
Murphy | Daisy | - | 5773 |
Murphy | Hester | 1874 - 1942 | 6845 |
Murphy | James Edward | 1870 - | 6846 |
Murphy | Julia | 1860 - | 5774 |
Murphy | Kathleen Charlotte Maria | 12 JUN 1902 - | 6847 |
Murphy | William John | 1837 - 1895 | 5775 |
Murphy | William Josiah | 4 OCT 1867 - | 6848 |
Mylchreest | Charlotte | 1792 - 1844 | 6849 |
Mylchreest | Silvester | - 1802 | 6850 |
Nathan | Maud Pauline | 1882 - BET JAN 1968 AND MAR 1968 | 6851 |
Neal | Ann | 1818 - 1868 | 5776 |
New | Elizabeth | 1647 - 1677 | 5777 |
Newell | Florance Emma | - | 5778 |
Newing | Alice Frances | 28 NOV 1892 - BET JUL 1982 AND SEP 1982 | 5779 |
Newman | Ann | BET APR 1946 AND JUN 1946 - | 6852 |
Newman | Henry R | - | 5780 |
Newman | Henry William | - | 5781 |
Newman | Janice | BET OCT 1955 AND DEC 1955 - | 5782 |
Displaying 1751 - 1775